--> Gill Blog: Universities to Obtain Homeland-Security Dollars?

Gill Blog

Friday, April 15, 2005

Universities to Obtain Homeland-Security Dollars?

It's been about a month since we launched Campus Continuity, and thus far the response has been enthusiastic. Seems as though the profile of risk management at educational institutions increases on a daily basis. So much so, that it has captured the attention of the U.S. Congress. A client just sent this article from the Chronicle of Higher Education to me last week (if the link doesn't work, or is no longer active, try this link). I am still trying to get some additional information on it, but it seems relevant:
Congress is considering lifting a two-year ban on earmarks in its homeland-security spending bill, higher-education lobbyists confirmed on Thursday. Word of the plan was first reported in Congress Daily.

If the directed, noncompetitive grants are allowed, the bill could become a bonanza for colleges and universities, providing millions more in pork related to homeland security. The measure has been off-limits to earmarking since 2002, when Congress created the Department of Homeland Security and its associated appropriations subcommittees.

"It would be an opportunity for a lot of universities to obtain homeland-security dollars that they otherwise would not be able to," said B. Jeffrey Brooks, a lobbyist with Adams & Reese, a law firm that represents Louisiana State University.

If any of our readers have additional information on this Congressional maneuvering, please drop me an note.

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