--> Gill Blog: The Public Manager

Gill Blog

Thursday, December 15, 2005

The Public Manager

The only journal of its kind presents opportunities for public managers and executives to write and share ideas about critical public management issues.

Gill was introduced to the publishers of The Public Manager through our collaborations on the telework initiative with officials at the U.S. General Services Administration, the GSA, who recommended we publish an article on the subject of how natural disasters have impacted not only discussions of disaster preparedness but also business continuity planning.

The Public Manager is a quarterly journal published by The Bureaucrat, Inc., a not-for-profit organization chartered and devoted to furthering knowledge and best practice at all levels of government.

Our paper, Continuity Planning in a Post-Katrina World, is published in the Fall 2005 issue of The Public Manager, which is already in the hands of subscribers. And now the good news for our readers. As a special service to everyone interested in the topic of business continuity planning and telework, The Public Manager is now offering full access to the complete unabridged article free to download here.
The time has come for the federal government to integrate standard principles of business continuity, emergency management, and risk management into a common template and include telework as a key component of workplace continuity strategy. This article examines how the times ahead will inevitably force private-sector participants to assess the strategic value of telework in maintaining critical operations, and public-sector organizations will be expected to provide leadership.

Thanks to the publishers of The Public Manager for contributing free access to our recent article for those interested in our special webcast dealing with business continuity planning and teleworking. This particular multimedia session examines the economic impact of pandemics, which can be mitigated by integrating telework into business continuity planning. Discussions include strategies for addressing absenteeism and maintaining corporate operations in such an environment, with contibutions by officials of the GSA describing the interagency telework site and its special features.

For more information about this special webcast, you can review our posts here, here, and here, or go directly to our webcast.


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