The Carnival of the Capitalists

We're pleased to host the Carnival of the Capitalists at Gill Blog again this year. Remembering what a huge success last year's party was here, we planned ahead for a good turnout and hired this magnificent tent from Carnival Marquees in the UK, who we'd like to thank for the use of the tent. We'd also like to thank Igloos, the luxury travelling loo company, for the bespoke lavatories.
With formalities out of the way, let's see who's at the party.
Jack Yoest at Reasoned Audacity has 7 Tips for Mass Marketing, earning the top spot in this week's Carnival of the Capitalists for, among other things, this pullquote:
A few months ago, Charmaine and I visited Tammy in her beautiful Georgetown home in Your Nation's Capital. She put up a tent in her back yard and had a few of her closest A listers over for an off the record party. OTR. Which means I couldn't talk about what Micheal Barone said about CNN nor who Chris Matthews was talking to. Contacts connected. Deals got done.
Carmine Coyote, on the Slow Leadership blog, looks at the place of creativity in business, and concludes it is often misunderstood and underrated.
Trizoko, a daily biz journal to empower company-builders to kick ass, explains how to price your brand's products.
Photon Courier has good news that MIT researchers have developed a modified gasoline engine said to reduce fuel consumption by 30% while also reducing engine size.
James Hamilton of Econbrowser suggests that the way to make sense of conflicting estimates of the employment situation is to combine the evidence from different sources.
The Boring Made Dull reports on Minimum Wage Shennanigans in Ohio.
Wisdom From Wenchypoo's Mental Wastebasket looks at the economics of a college education. Wenchypoo also has an interesting post about the revolt of the fairly-rich hard-working people with good educations.
Free Money Finance has some thoughts on the value of a college education, too.
Economic Edge, musings on investing, money management, life, and personal finance, advises How to Invest For High Returns & Avoid Losing Your Original Investment. This post is written in response to a reader's question on the "About" page. Ah, the power of the business blog.
Canadian Entrepreneur Rick Spence presents a post about telling good credit risks from bad, with information for anyone who wants to be able to tell whether a given small business is serious about seeking success.
Adventures in Money Making tells how individual investors can invest in the adult entertainment industry.
The Sharpener is trying to make a point with a post on the scary economics of Halloween.
Five Cent Nickel also has an economic analysis of Halloween. says venture capitalists adore fremiums this year.
Knowing what will cause financial failure is just as important as knowing what financial steps you should take so that your don't sabotage yourself. Personal Finance Advice makes note of 10 steps that will ensure financial failure.
Britain looks set to become the first western country to introduce a regulatory regime to support the domestic issuance of sukuk so-called "Islamic bonds", or those which do not pay overt interest. Mover Mike discusses this news he spotted in the Financial Times.
Bob Witeck and Wes Combs are the authors of Business Inside Out: Capturing Millions of Brand Loyal Gay Consumers. Their DC-based firm, Witeck-Combs Communications, Inc., works with uber cool, gay-friendly clients and their names are synonymous with thought leadership on LGBT demographics and marketplace trend spotting. Queercents asked them to respond with their thoughts about the myth of gay affluence, the behavior of queer consumers and a few personal questions to drive the conversation home.
If your boss leaves confidential salary info in plain sight, is it fair game? InsureBlog's Henry Stern thinks not; what about you?
David Maister asks and answers this question: "What can the Marines teach your business?" I would have thought the answer might be semper fee.
"Have you ever wondered what were your biggest mistakes in your professional career? Which things you should do another way or at least try to change?" At Software Project Management, Pawel Brodzinski candidly shares some of his biggest mistakes made during his professional career in different roles.
Becky McCray at Small Biz Survival has a review of the scoop on Google partnering up with Intuit, integrating several Google services into QuickBooks.
Michael Wade at gives a lighthearted look at film dialogue that matches management topics.
At Blog Business World, Wayne Hurlbert says, "Entrepreneurship has made a resurgence, in recent years, as a viable career option for many people."
How Do People Get Rich? Apparently, it's the power of compounding interest.
Dan Melson posted Sellers Lending to Buyers and Selling the Note at Searchlight Crusade.
Nike has expanded the marketing campaign for the new Air Zoom LeBron IV away from television into a variety of new media. Mark at SportsBiz says it may set the tone for consumer marketing of the future.
"Great for accountants. This is not so good for shareholders and the public," says Leon Gettler at Sox First, pointing out that Sarbanes-Oxley has been a gold-mine for accountants but that hasn’t stopped them pushing to get Government protection from shareholders who might want to sue them for doing bad audits. "And now it looks like the US Government, with the blessing of Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson, is going to give it to them," says Gettler.
Anita Campbell at Small Business Trends points out that immigrants refresh the supply of small businesses.
How long should a sales letter be? Just as a 300 page book isn’t inherently better or worse than a 200 page book, a four page sales letter isn’t inherently better or worse than a one page letter, according to Jim Logan. But there is a danger in being both too short or too long...
On that thought, it looks like our Carnival of the Capitalists is about to wind down. For everyone who wants to continue the business blog carnvial, we recommend moving the party over to Political Calculations, which features the best of the business blogosphere every week On the Moneyed Midways -- including three excellent posts from last week's Carnival of the Capitalists.
Before we take down the tent, we should note that there's something else on a lot of people's minds this week -- midterm elections in the United States.
Inactivist, an unpolitical demonstration by deeply uncommitted inactivists, has evidence that the Investor Class is delighted with the prospect of a Democratic victory in the midterms and a return to divided government.
For more election coverage, we encourage blog carnival lovers to check out Blawg Review, the carnival of law bloggers, for the next two issues at Votelaw and the Election Law blog.
We'd like to thank Rob May and Jay Solo for the opportuntiy to host the Carnival of the Capitalists at Gill Blog again this year, and we look forward to having another chance to host the CotC again in the near future.
Go here to see who's hosting the Carnival of the Capitalists next.