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THIS IS THE LATEST RESEARCH PUBLISHED BY GILL ADVISORS. Download the latest Newsletter for Q2 2004 here: RELEASE DATE July 5, 2004 Download the Summary of Workplace Continuity here: RELEASE DATE July 7, 2004 Download Summary Congressional Hearings on Teleworking here: RELEASE DATE July 12, 2004 Gill Advisors Inc. is built upon a foundation of extensive research. We study and analyse for our clients the issues that are affecting real estate strategy today, and will impact workplace continuity in the years to come. Gill is dedicated to contributing to the advancement of corporate real estate strategy, and we are confident that you will find our research thought provoking and, hopefully, beneficial to the advancement of your strategic policies. (Documents open in .pdf format with Adobe Reader; you can download latest reader free here.) In Conversation with Gill 1. James Howard Kunstler with Tony Gill, July 29, 2003 Workplace Continuity Newletters 1. Q3 2003 2. Q4 2003 3. Q1 2004 4. Q2 2004 Decentralization Series - 2003 White Papers 1. Article 1 - Quantifying the Risk of Disruptive Events; by Tony Gill, June 16, 2003 2. Article 2 - Real Estate Continuity; by Tony Gill, June 30, 2003 3. Article 3 - What Drives Dispersal?; by Tony Gill, July 14, 2003 4. Article 4 - The Human Element; by Tony Gill, July 28, 2003 5. Article 5 - Terrorism's Impact on Insurance; by Tony Gill, August 11, 2003 6. Article 6 - Secondary Site Selection; by Tony Gill, August 25, 2003 Brief Summaries of Decentralization Papers 1. Quantifying the Risk of Events of Mass Disruption by Tony Gill, June 21, 2003 2. Real Estate Continuity by Tony Gill, July 14, 2003 3. Drivers and Caution Signs of Organizational Dispersal by Tony Gill, August 11, 2003 4. Rippling Effects of Insurance Uncertainty on Commercial Real Estate by Tony Gill, Oct. 22, 2003 5. Qualities of the Ideal Backup Location by Tony Gill, January 14, 2004 Multimedia Presentations (presented on TB2 provided by Streamlogics) 1. Quantifying the Risk of Events of Mass Disruption by Tony Gill, July 10, 2003 2. Real Estate Continuity by Tony Gill, July 15, 2003 3. Costs, Benefits, Drivers and Caution Signs of Dispersal by Tony Gill, August 18, 2003 4. The Rippling Effects of Insurance Uncertainty on Commercial Real Estate by Tony Gill, Oct. 22, 2003 Research Papers 1. Gill White Paper: Linking The Dynamics of Office Buildings to the Blackout of August 14th The Press Release announcing this new study can be read here. 2. Decentralization Case 1: Outsourcing Medical Transcription Services 3. Continuity Briefs: The Effect of Unforeseen Disasters on Structural Stability 4. Summary of Workplace Continuity 5. Summary Congressional Hearings on Teleworking Public Speaking Engagements ![]() Real Property in the Real World: 17th Annual Workshop for the Real Property Institute of Canada Date: February 3, 2005 Location: Ottawa Business Continuity for Real Estate Managers In this session, Mr. Gill offered real estate managers a wide ranging view on how business continuity planning (BCP) has evolved - particularly since the 2001 terrorist attacks. The discussion placed BCP within the wider context of risk management, and demonstrated the degree to which real estate managers typically integrate risk management in their daily duties (currently the emphasis is clearly on emergency planning) and how their effectiveness in this area can be enhanced if a more holistic approach is taken – a process that would include the integration of basic principles of BCP. This session emphasizes the importance of the facility as the place where organizational operations take place, thus it is incumbent upon all facility managers to recognize the facility as the operational hub, and thus understand how the fields of real estate strategy and business continuity planning converge. 14th World Conference on Disaster Management Date: June 21, 2004 Location: Toronto Linking Contingency Planning to Facilities Strategy Tony Gill presented his most recent paper "Workplace Continuity" to business continuity and emergency management professionals attending the 2004 WCDM. This event has proven itself to be one of the most important informational forums probing contemporary issues of interest to contingency planners globally. In this session, Mr. Gill tangibly links real estate strategy into the realm of business continuity planning, while paying due consideration to the contributions made by other key organizational verticals and identifying how these align with the foundational elements to form a more complete plan. This session clearly demonstrates the critical purpose of holistic decision making by planners, where the nuances of facilities are placed front and center. Worldwide Workplace Web (W4) Conference Sponsored by the General Services Adminstration (GSA) Date: June 16, 2004 Location: Washington, D.C. Workplace Continuity As organizational policies are re-drawn in the wake of highly visible events such as terrorist attacks, floods, fires and blackouts, the definition of 'Workplace' becomes blurred. Such events force organizations globally to redefine fundamental elements of workplace, placing renewed emphasis not only on ergonomics, sustainability and worker flexibility, but the need to maintain continuity of operations regardless of the severity of a disruption. By strategically aligning these organizational silos and leveraging advances in technology, organizations can optimize cost efficiency, worker satisfaction, as well as the functional redundancy required to maintain operations - together, these form the basic dynamics of Workplace Continuity. 2004 Real Property Institute of Canada Date: February 4, 2004 Location: Ottawa Blackout 2003: Lessons Learned At the Real Property Institute of Canada's 2004 Conference, Tony Gill, the Managing Director of Gill Advisors, presented his timely white paper that directly links the energy efficiency standards of typical office buildings to conditions leading to excessive demand, and the possibility of rolling blackouts in the future. He stated: "there are a wide range of solutions that are making buildings significantly smarter. Whether these tap into natural systems that lower a building's reliance on power, or use smart technology that automatically regulates the consumption patterns of buildings, different alternatives can be implemented on a micro or a macro scale that ultimately yield more energy-efficient facilities." 2003 Real Property Institute of Canada Date: January 30, 2003 Location: Ottawa Strategic Aspects of Space Utilization: Developments in the Industry After 9/11 How have the events of 9/11 influenced developments in the real property field? Tony Gill will provide us with insight into new corporate strategies regarding the location of space, the way it is used, and decentralization, as well as provide a look at how these influences will play out in the future, based on extensive interviews with corporate leaders in the private sector. |