--> Gill Blog: Is India Losing Jobs to the US?

Gill Blog

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

Is India Losing Jobs to the US?

BusinessPundit, a great business weblog we've recently added to the Gill blogroll of blogs we like, effectively grabbed our attention yesterday with this provocative headline and a clever post that makes an interesting point, tongue in cheek, as Rob draws our attention to BusinessWeek's cover story about India's "Tech King" Azim Premji, who is expanding his global reach to the USA.

This story provides an important backgrounder to an ongoing discussion we'll be having with our clients in the coming months about outsourcing to India. Over the past decade, more organizations have made the strategic decision to concentrate on their core business and outsource more and more of the operationally associated functions to third party providers. Increasingly, many of these functions are being carried out in India. Why India? English-speaking, highly educated, significantly lower labor costs, as well as a legal system based on the principles of common law.

In the months ahead, we will explore in greater detail the nuances associated with outsourced dispersal strategies such as those to India. This article provides an interesting anecdote from India explaining that establishing operations in secondary locations is a growing trend within that country, as well as beyond. Seems as though our central theme of dispersal is becoming one that is taking on global proportions.

We are in the process of expanding our Advisors network to include an organization that specializes in business process outsourcing issues, so if you've got any professional advice or recommendations to offer in that area please send us an email or give us a call. We'd love to hear from you.


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