--> Gill Blog: More Commentary on the Blackout

Gill Blog

Tuesday, September 09, 2003

More Commentary on the Blackout

Over the past four weeks we have read numerous articles on the implications on the blackout. For the most part the really serious stuff concentrates on areas such as how it affected businesses, the economic implications, as well as the need to negotiate the tenuous tightrope between supply and demand. When it came to people-oriented stories, commentators would focus on the dislocation it may have caused commuters, and the micro, "as it happens" aspects of the blackout. Largely the weightier issues were the exclusive domain of organizations. William Thorsell offered the following editorial in yesterday's Globe and Mail offering a business continuity guide for average households, so people might be prepared if this type of event occurs again. Be prepared - our rallying cry for the future.


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