--> Gill Blog: Historical Drainage Maps of New Orleans

Gill Blog

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Historical Drainage Maps of New Orleans

Ernie the Attorney writes about the practice of law, and life in New Orleans. His house survived Katrina and he and his family are okay, considering. Continuing his law business, post Katrina, has been a real challenge.

Of interest not only to lawyers is an upcoming seminar of the American Bar Association on insurance issues in light of Katrina but, for most businesses in NOLA, it's still all about jobs.

Ernie reports from New Orleans that, overall, the legal system is not doing too good, and neither are the Saints.

Among the Katrina stories told by Ernie, there's an interesting link to some historical maps of New Orleans that really caught our attention.
About a week ago the Times Picayune showed a 1879 topographical drainage map of New Orleans. Then they displayed the areas of New Orleans that had just flooded after the levees broke. The two maps were amazingly similar. In other words, if we had only built in areas that were deemed high ground on the 1879 map we would have been mostly okay. If you want to take a look at the map click on this link and then look at the T.S. Hardy map. There are other interesting maps at that link.

Ernie's anecdotal style of writing makes for a good weekend read, and puts a friendly face on the realities of disaster recovery—like the other day when he got a call from FEMA.

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